Thursday, January 30, 2020

Analysis of “Their Eyes Were Watching God” Essay Example for Free

Analysis of â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God† Essay The search for one’s identity is as poignant for the fictional character Janie as it was for former slave Frederick Douglass. Douglass used education to form an independent identity, which would separate him from the white slave masters. In contrast, Janie attempts to construct a dependent identity through marriage to each of her three husbands. With the death of her final husband Tea Cake, she plants the seeds he left behind, symbolically proving that she has grown as the seeds will grow and she is now a woman with her own identity. Janie’s first husband Logan does not understand that like any plant, Janie needs room to grow. He gives Janie material advantages through his sixty acres of land, but does not know how to treat her as his wife and not a servant. The reader receives a glimpse into his heart as he sobs while shouting his suspicion that she is planning to leave him, proving that he does want to please her. Through their lack of communication, however, Janie feels that the relationship is dead and leaves to marry Joe Starks, whom she believes will always provide her with springtime. Joe Starks gives her material wealth as well as a prominent position in the community for the price of her ultimate subservience. He is a jealous husband so she is not allowed to let her hair down in the store for fear that other men might covet it, and he refuses to let her take part in the community gatherings outside the store. After seven years of marriage and constant submission, Janie reflects on their relationship, realizing that â€Å"She wasn’t petal-open with him anymore.† As in her first marriage, Joe wants someone who will serve him and fill the role of the mayor’s wife, not an equal partner. While married to Joe she can only be the mayor’s wife and receive respect through his position instead of receiving respect for herself. Janie’s final marriage to Tea Cake teaches her to love herself, though at first she still is dependent upon having a man around for a sense of identity. She places great importance on his desire to play checkers with her and it seems as though Janie will always need a man beside her for fulfillment. Tea Cake shows her to love each aspect of herself. Janie comments on their blooming relationship during the hurricane, â€Å"If you can see the light at daybreak, you don’t keer if you die at dusk. It’s so many people never seen de light at all.† Janie’s light is her newfound ability to realize her worth. When Tea Cake is bit by the mad dog and attempts to bite her Janie saves herself, knowing that he loved her more. At the novel’s conclusion Janie says, â€Å"Two things everybody’s got tuh do fuh theyselves. They got tuh go tuh God, and they got tuh find out about livin’ fuh theyselves.† Thus power of truth for Janie is not book knowledge, but rather the knowledge that she has grown to discover an identity all her own.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Federalists :: American History, Madison, Factions

James Madison was a very intelligent man and was one of the forefathers for our country. In Madison’s Federalist Paper Number 10 he describes the need to control factions in the United States and how the government is to do so. The Federalist papers are a key point in describing how to control â€Å"factions† that are so dangerous to the young government, or so Madison feels. In Madison’s paper he clearly lays out his idea on the sources of factions, his feelings on democracy versus a republic, and how to control factions. To Madison factions, or groups of citizens with mal-intent for the new government, are a threat to the new government and it is impossible to find an acceptable remedy. Madison considers both liberty and the idea of having opposing opinions to be the key sources to factions. This also proves to be the reason why factions can never be eradicated completely. To Madison there are â€Å"two methods of removing the causes of faction: the on, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests.†(pg. A21) Of course both of these ideas are completely preposterous because they are impossible to be had. Removing liberty in the words of James Madison would be â€Å"worse than the disease† (pg. A21) because of the pure fact that to abolish liberty would be to abolish everything fought for in the American Revolution. Madison compares liberty to air in that removing it would rid of the fire, factions, but also kill every life, so basically it is a lose-lose situation. The latter idea of Madison is to basically have everyone think in a homogenous manner, which of course is impracticable. As Madison puts it â€Å"As long as the reason of man continues fallible, and he is at liberty to exercise it, different opinions will be formed† (pg. A22) Men will always have a difference of opinion because we are always influenced by reason and self-love. Madison continues saying that the causes of factions are â€Å"thus sown in the nature of man† (pg. A22) and all we can do is try to control factions but it is impossible to rid of them completely. The federalist paper continues on to Madison’s feelings about having a democracy versus a republic and which he feels is a better decision. Federalists :: American History, Madison, Factions James Madison was a very intelligent man and was one of the forefathers for our country. In Madison’s Federalist Paper Number 10 he describes the need to control factions in the United States and how the government is to do so. The Federalist papers are a key point in describing how to control â€Å"factions† that are so dangerous to the young government, or so Madison feels. In Madison’s paper he clearly lays out his idea on the sources of factions, his feelings on democracy versus a republic, and how to control factions. To Madison factions, or groups of citizens with mal-intent for the new government, are a threat to the new government and it is impossible to find an acceptable remedy. Madison considers both liberty and the idea of having opposing opinions to be the key sources to factions. This also proves to be the reason why factions can never be eradicated completely. To Madison there are â€Å"two methods of removing the causes of faction: the on, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests.†(pg. A21) Of course both of these ideas are completely preposterous because they are impossible to be had. Removing liberty in the words of James Madison would be â€Å"worse than the disease† (pg. A21) because of the pure fact that to abolish liberty would be to abolish everything fought for in the American Revolution. Madison compares liberty to air in that removing it would rid of the fire, factions, but also kill every life, so basically it is a lose-lose situation. The latter idea of Madison is to basically have everyone think in a homogenous manner, which of course is impracticable. As Madison puts it â€Å"As long as the reason of man continues fallible, and he is at liberty to exercise it, different opinions will be formed† (pg. A22) Men will always have a difference of opinion because we are always influenced by reason and self-love. Madison continues saying that the causes of factions are â€Å"thus sown in the nature of man† (pg. A22) and all we can do is try to control factions but it is impossible to rid of them completely. The federalist paper continues on to Madison’s feelings about having a democracy versus a republic and which he feels is a better decision.

Monday, January 13, 2020


PROBLEMA 1 The Maser is a new custom-designed sports car. An analysis of the task of building the Maser reveals the following list of relevant activities, their immediate predecessors, and their duration. Job LetterDescriptionImmediate Predecessor(s)Normal Time (days) AStart — 0 BDesignA8 COrder special accessoriesB0. 1 DBuild frameB1 EBuild doorsB1 FAttach axles, wheels, gas tankD1 GBuild body shellB2 HBuild transmission and drivetrainB3 IFit doors to body shellG, E1 JBuild engine B4 KBench-test engineJ2 LAssemble chassisF, H, K1MRoad-test chassisL0. 5 NPaint bodyI2 OInstall wiringN1 PInstall interiorN1. 5 QAccept delivery of special accessoriesC5 RMount body and accessories on chassisM, O, P, Q1 SRoad test carR0. 5 TAttach exterior trimS1 UFinishT0 a)Draw a network diagram for the project. b)Mark the critical path and state its length. c)If the Maser has to be completed 2 days earlier, would it help to i. Buy preassembled transmissions and drivetrains? ii. Install robots to halve engine-building time? iii. Speed delivery of special accessories by 3 days? )How might resources be borrowed from activities on the non-critical path to speed activities on the critical path? PROBLEMA 2 MANAGING HARD ROCK’S ROCKFEST At the Hard Rock Cafe, like many organizations, project management is a key planning tool. With Hard Rock’s constant growth in hotels and cafes, remodeling of existing cafes, scheduling for Hard Rock Live concert and event venues, and planning the annual Rockfest, managers rely on project management techniques and software to maintain schedule and budget performance. Without Microsoft Project† says Hard Rock Vice-President Chriss Tomasso, â€Å"there is no way to keep so many people on the same page. † Tomasso is in charge of the Rockfest event, which is attended by well over 100,000 enthusiastic fans. The challenge is pulling it off within a tight 9-month planning horizon. As the event approaches, Tomasso devotes greater energy to its activities. For the first 3 months, Tomasso updates his MS Project charts monthly. Then at the 6-month mark, he updates his progress weekly. At the 9-month mark, he checks and corrects his schedule twice a week.Early in the project management process, Tomasso identifies 10 major tasks (called 2 acti vities in a work breakdown structure, or WBS): talent booking, ticketing, marketing/PR, online promotion, television, show production, travel, sponsorships, operations, and merchandising. Using a WBS, each of these is further divided into a series of subtasks. Table 1 identifies 26 of the major activities and subactivities, their immediate predecessors, and time estimates. Tomasso enters all of these into the MS Project software. Tomasso alters the MS Project document and the time line as the project progresses. It’s okay to change it as long as you keep on track. † he states. The day of the rock concert itself is not the end of the project planning. â€Å"It ’s nothing but surprises. A band not being able to get to the venue because of traffic jams is a surprise, but an ‘anticipated’ surprise. We had an helicopter on stand-by ready to fly the band in,† says Tomasso. On completion of Rockfest in July, Tomasso and his team have a 3-month reprieve before starting the project planning process again. Discussion Questions: 1. Identify the critical path and its activities for Rockfest. How long does the project take? . Which activities have a slack time of 8 weeks or more? 3. Identify five major challenges a project manager faces in events such as this one. 4. Why is a work breakdown structure useful in a project such as this? Take the 26 activities and break them into what you think should be level 2, level 3 and level 4 tasks. TABLE 1 Some of the Major Activities and Subactivities in the Rockfest Plan. ActivityDescriptionImmediate Predecessor(s) Time (Weeks) AFinalize site and building contracts —7 BSelect lo cal promoterA3 CHire production managerA3 DDesign promotional Web siteB5 ESet TV dealD6FHire directorE4 GPlan for TV camera placementF2 HTarget headline entertainersB4 ITarget support entertainersH4 JTravel accomodations for talentI10 KSet venue cpacityC2 LTicketmaster contractD, K3 MOn-site ticketingL8 NSound and stagingC6 OPasses and stage credentialsG, R7 PTravel accomodations for staffB20 QHire sponsor coordinatorB4 RFinalize sponsorsQ4 SDefine/place signage for sponsorsR, X3 THire operations managerA4 UDevelop site planT6 VHire security directorT7 WSet police/fire security planV4 XPower, plumbing, AC, toilet servicesU8 YSecure merchandise dealsB6 ZOnline merchadise salesY6

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Pest Control Essays - 1005 Words

Pest Control Pests are organisms that reduce the quality or yield of a crop or plant (Biology AS textbook, Indge, Rowland, Baker). Pest control uses various techniques to eliminate populations of specific pests to increase productivity of crops. The two most common methods are the use of Pesticides and Biological Pest Control. This essay will show how and why Biological Pest Control is favoured over the use of Pesticides. Biological Pest Control is the use of a specifically chosen organism to eat, kill, or otherwise harm a particular pest, and often referred to as natural enemies according to the article Biological Control of Pest; . These†¦show more content†¦There is little chance of placing danger on the environment and the water quality with Biological control, as Pesticides can leech into water and soil having profoundly unknown effects upon its surrounding. However Biological Control does have some draw-backs it take time for the organism to establish, therefore theres a short time lapse between introducing the organism and any significant difference in the numbers of pests, however Pesticides act very quickly. Biological control requires planning and monitoring and good knowledge of the biology of both the pest and the enemy. Biological control sometimes has 100% success rate, which is not always beneficial as wiping away a whole population of native pests, may also prove to disturb the Food Web, because the organism will also then become extinct itself according to Biological Review Volume 13 No 3 Jan 2001. A famous example of the use of Biological control is that of the Ladybirds appetite for aphids, they are regarded as beneficial insects for controlling a variety of plant pests. A pesticide is a substance intended for preventing, destroying repelling or mitigating a pest. Pests can be insects, mice and otherShow MoreRelatedPest Control3866 Words   |  16 PagesSubstantial Content I. Importance of natural method of pest control The problem with broad range conventional pesticides is that they not only kill the bad bugs, but they rub out the good bugs, too. A garden without natural predators means a world of insects gone wild. Theres nothing left to keep pest levels in check. In fact, chemicals can mean double trouble because although you wipe out the first wave of pests, the second wave which is not the usual pest, but another insect moving into the area can causeRead MorePest Control Program 2406 Words   |  10 PagesPART A – Pest Control Program 1.0 Purpose The purpose is to control pest specifically rodents, insects and birds on site. This would assure the products have been manufactured, packed and held under proper sanitary conditions. 2.0 Scope The pest control program applies to the entire plant (interior and exterior of the facility). 3.0 Background The presence of rodents, insects and birds in or around a pharmaceutical manufacturing factory indicates poor sanitary condition on site andRead MorePest Control Of The Cotton Leaf Warm Spodoptera Littoralis1265 Words   |  6 Pagespotential new insecticide for pest control H. M. El-bendary and A. A. El-Helaly 1.Department of Plant protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum UniversityEgypt 2.Department ofEconomic Entomology and Pesticides, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo UniversityEgypt. Corresponding author Email:H. M. El-bendary Key words A B S T R A C T Nano-silicaparticles Spodoptera littoralis tomato plants pest control The cotton leaf warm Spodoptera littoralis is considered the major important pest of plenty of vegetablesRead MoreImplement Best Tips Of Pest Control Islington2042 Words   |  9 PagesImplement best tips of Pest control Islington Pests can interrupt your peaceful life to a great extent and thus you should make necessary arrangements so that they can be easily eliminated. Pest control Islington is a great specimen for all as you will be able to learn a lot of valuable tips for controlling pests. Harborage, Water and food are the most vital things that are common for almost all kinds of pests. 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